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Alex Ouziel

"Great attention is devoted to crafting remarkable products with captivating stories."

05 April 2024

9diDANTE is among the very few vermouths that meet all the requirements of the prestigious IGP Vermouth di Torino Superiore.

How did the idea for 9diDANTE come about?

It's hard to pinpoint a specific moment; it all unfolded gradually over eighteen months. While I can't recall every detail, I distinctly remember that the idea of ​​calling a vermouth Inferno and drawing inspiration from Dante's Divine Comedy began with me lost at the top of a mountain.

"It all started in September 2018 when I participated in the Tor des Géants, a 340 km trail race in the Italian Alps, crossing twenty-one mountain passes. It took me five days to complete it with only nine hours of sleep and numerous hallucinations."

What makes 9diDANTE an Avant-Gardist?

According to regulations, a vermouth must be composed of 75% wine. Paradoxically, the origin of the wines used is rarely mentioned. With 9diDANTE, we wanted to change that and highlight the local grape varieties of Piedmont. All our vermouths are made from blends of Nebbiolo, Dolcetto, Cortese, or Arneis wines from that region.

What were you doing before? What led you to delve into the spirits industry?

I joined the spirits industry in 2010: I was working for Bacardi. It's a fantastic industry where it's impossible not to have fun, but also where a lot of care is given to creating incredible products with beautiful stories. In 2018, we decided to launch 9diDANTE and start our own journey.

What is your favourite cocktail, and the ideal place to enjoy it?

I discovered the Adonis a few years ago at 14 de la Rosa, a charming little bar in the Gracia neighborhood of Barcelona. Hard to think of a better place to enjoy it. If you're visiting the city, be sure to stop by and discover this wonderful cocktail that combines 9diDANTE Inferno with sherry.

What is the most heartwarming feedback you have received about 9diDANTE from a customer?

"Wow, I didn't think I would like vermouth." And I've heard that more than once. It gives me chills every time!

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