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KAWATSURU Beppin - main image


16%sake junmai72cLjapan/SHIKOKU-KAGAWA Ref 59950

53.00 €

i.e. 73.61 € / liter

Kawatsuru was founded in 1891, the name literally means "river crane", in homage to the cranes observed by the founder,
in the crystal clear waters of the Saita River giving the sake a powerful and refreshing taste. This Beppin BKC20 sake is the highest grade of the Kawatsuru estate. While combining finesse and comp...

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Kawatsuru was founded in 1891, the name literally means "river crane", in homage to the cranes observed by the founder,
in the crystal clear waters of the Saita River giving the sake a powerful and refreshing taste. This Beppin BKC20 sake is the highest grade of the Kawatsuru estate. While combining finesse and complexity, this sake uses Oseteo rice from Kagawa Prefecture to perfection.

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KAWATSURU is a brand imported and distributed in France by LMDW

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