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Situated in the Speyside valley, the golden triangle of Scotland, the Aultmore distillery is renowned for the quality of its single malts. The distillery has had an eventful past. Following its creation in 1896, the distillery’s success enabled its founder Alexander Edward to develop the business by taking over the Oban distillery. The bankruptcy of their main customer Pattison Ltd slowed down production considerably until Prohibition in America and the Great Depression of the twenties put paid to Edward’s ambitions. The distillery was bought several times by a succession of groups, which enabled it to stay open throughout the two world wars. In 1970 the distillery closed for renovation work and was equipped with two additional stills that doubled its production. Owned by the Bacardi group since 1998 the Aultmore distillery is now back in the spotlight thanks to the increasing success of its single malts.

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